Protester dangling his adopted child of color
Yesterday, the National Abortion Federation released the annual violence against abortion provider report for 2017, and the numbers aren’t pretty. Since Trump came into office “death threats against providers and patients nearly doubled”, and “the incidents of trespassing and obstruction at clinics approximately tripled”. And while The Pink House usually sees much more aggressive protesting than most clinics due to the overwhelmingly hostile political climate in our state, this past week we have been dealing with an escalating situation.
One of our regular protesters recently went on a mission trip to Thailand, and since he’s been back he has been more aggressive than ever. He’s brought a ladder, a megaphone, and his 7 biological children and 3 adopted children and has begun a calculated and systematic campaign of harassment. The police say there’s nothing they can do. So, he’s lording over our privacy fence, just feet away from the patients, dangling his adopted children of color as he spews his words of judgement and fear and shame at ear piercing decibels on his megaphone.
There’s no place like Mississippi, that’s for sure. The land where children are pawns and props and women are shamed for accessing basic healthcare services such as abortion.
We promise we are working on some exciting anti-stigma awareness campaigns across Mississippi as we write this. We are about to get real damn loud.